Siroos Hashemi
سیروس هاشمی

Siroos Hashemi(سیروس هاشمی)

  • Actor
Siroos Hashemi has been a Actor in some movies: Ilia, The Young Painter is about that Ilia, a teenager who loves painting , goes to Tehran to pursue his studies. While dealing with difficulties of living in Tehran and getting to know what a painter's life is like, he understands that in order to succeed in this career, he needs to experience a lot and have a better understanding of the society. In this film Siroos Hashemi collaborates with Reza Kianian, Nayereh Farahani, Reza Khandan, Bahram Ebr ...ahimi, Abolhassan Davoodi, Fereshteh Taerpoor, Reza Karam Rezaie, Bahman Ardalan, Bahram Dehghan, Ahmad Talebi Nejad, Saeed Shahram, Vahid Nikkhah Azad, Ammar Tafti, Bahram Badakhshani, Behrouz Moavenian, Asghar Shahverdi, Ali Asghar Nejat, Babak Borzooyeh, Zohreh Mojabi, Ezzatollah Mehravaran, Hamid Hamze, Hashem Gerami, Reza Vaziri, Esmaeel Gerami.
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