Mandana Masoudi
ماندانا مسعودی

Mandana Masoudi(ماندانا مسعودی)

  • Set Designer
Mandana Masoudi has been a Set Designer in some movies: Secret Ballot is about that A female election agent and a gun-toting soldier try to collect votes among the local islanders with mixed success. During the day, stressed by a series of absurd events, the two learn to get to know each other. At sunset, when the young woman leaves, the man realizes that the secret vote contained much more than he had ever imagined. In this film Mandana Masoudi collaborates with Babak Payami, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, ... Yadollah Najafi, Babak Karimi Tari, Farzad Jodat, Marco Mueller, Hooshangh Payami, Nassim Abdi, Cyrus Abidi, Youssef Habashi, Farrokh Shoja, Gholbahar Janghali, Faride Harajl, Michael Galasso.
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