This innovative documentary focuses on the aftermath of the devastating 2012 earthquake in East Azerbaijan. We follow the lives of several children in the temporary camps set up to provide relief to those who lost their home in the village of Bajeh Baj.
... Interestingly, the children themselves take control of the sound and filming, creating a first-hand glimpse of the disorder their lives have become. Director Asal Gharib’s interactions with the children and other villagers provide additional insight into the realities of coping with a major natural disaster. Synopsis by
This innovative documentary focuses on the aftermath of the devastating 2012 earthquake in East Azerbaijan. We follow the lives of several children in the temporary camps set up to provide relief to those who lost their home in the village of Bajeh Baj. Interestingly, the children themselves take control of the sound and filming, creating a first-hand glimpse of the disorder their lives have become. Director Asal Gharib’s interactions with the children and other villagers provide additional insight into the realities of coping with a major natural disaster. Synopsis by