The story of the new Iranian film Ben Sai is a drama story with political events. In the past years, Sahar lost his father in a terrorist operation. He went abroad to continue his studies and met a young man named Mehran in cyberspace. After returning to
... Iran, he works in one of the important military centers due to his family history and the project he was working on in the university. He is not aware of Mehran's relationship with opposition and anti-revolutionary forces. Mehran tries to use Sahar and his family to get confidential information, which is not possible with the intelligence of the anti-espionage and information protection forces.
The story of the new Iranian film Ben Sai is a drama story with political events. In the past years, Sahar lost his father in a terrorist operation. He went abroad to continue his studies and met a young man named Mehran in cyberspace. After returning to Iran, he works in one of the important military centers due to his family history and the project he was working on in the university. He is not aware of Mehran's relationship with opposition and anti-revolutionary forces. Mehran tries to use Sahar and his family to get confidential information, which is not possible with the intelligence of the anti-espionage and information protection forces.