Sohrab Khosravi's short documentary provides a glimpse into the life of Hojat Ghazvini, who at the age of 40 gave up his life in society to live alone in the desert. Filmed in 2000, the then 55 year-old Hojat reflects on his reasons for giving up his first
... life and being 'born again' to live a second life. The film provides intriguing footage of his daily life, while Hojat tells accounts of the dangers he has faced and talks about his philosophical views.
Sohrab Khosravi's short documentary provides a glimpse into the life of Hojat Ghazvini, who at the age of 40 gave up his life in society to live alone in the desert. Filmed in 2000, the then 55 year-old Hojat reflects on his reasons for giving up his first life and being 'born again' to live a second life. The film provides intriguing footage of his daily life, while Hojat tells accounts of the dangers he has faced and talks about his philosophical views.