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Chicks Scream at the End of Autumn (جوجه ها در پایان پاییز فریاد می زنند)

2019 |90 min | Drama , Human Interest & Society
On weekends, Shohreh’s house is a hangout for her friends. Meanwhile, Mr. “In” – a very fat man – dies one night in the toilet of the house. They try to pull his body out of the toilet. The second problem is getting his body out of the house. Haleh, ... one of Shohreh’s friends, has a solution for this. The old man who owns the house arrives to visit.
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About Chicks Scream at the End of Autumn
On weekends, Shohreh’s house is a hangout for her friends. Meanwhile, Mr. “In” – a very fat man – dies one night in the toilet of the house. They try to pull his body out of the toilet. The second problem is getting his body out of the house. Haleh, one of Shohreh’s friends, has a solution for this. The old man who owns the house arrives to visit.
Trying to get Pregnant
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