In this exhilarating action thriller, a married couple hatch a plan to hijack a plane and redirect it to Dubai in a desperate attempt to escape the reaches of their home country. Despite their best attempts, events aboard the plane do not go as expected and
... the couple are forced to improvise. Boldly released following the 9/11 attacks, Low Heights is a no-holds-barred rollercoaster ride at thirty thousand feet and a must for fans of the action genre. Synopsis by
In this exhilarating action thriller, a married couple hatch a plan to hijack a plane and redirect it to Dubai in a desperate attempt to escape the reaches of their home country. Despite their best attempts, events aboard the plane do not go as expected and the couple are forced to improvise. Boldly released following the 9/11 attacks, Low Heights is a no-holds-barred rollercoaster ride at thirty thousand feet and a must for fans of the action genre. Synopsis by