In this comedic historical drama, Ali Hatami examines a chapter in the life of Hajji Hossein-Gholi Noori, the first Iranian ambassador to the USA. When he opens the embassy, no members of the diplomatic core visit him, much to his disgust. An exceedingly
... humorous portrayal of events in the late 1800s, “Haji” paints a sympathetic figure overwhelmed by the bureaucracy of American politics, thwarted in his attempts to find funding and help the common man. Shot in Italy, this film is touching and atmospheric. Legendary actor Ezzatolah Entezami delivers another amazing performance.
In this comedic historical drama, Ali Hatami examines a chapter in the life of Hajji Hossein-Gholi Noori, the first Iranian ambassador to the USA. When he opens the embassy, no members of the diplomatic core visit him, much to his disgust. An exceedingly humorous portrayal of events in the late 1800s, “Haji” paints a sympathetic figure overwhelmed by the bureaucracy of American politics, thwarted in his attempts to find funding and help the common man. Shot in Italy, this film is touching and atmospheric. Legendary actor Ezzatolah Entezami delivers another amazing performance.