Jalil Nazari, the main actor of a movie named 'Jom'e', travels to Germany after the official invitation of the Hamburg Film Festival, hoping a warm and amiable visit. But he only receives three days of attention from the audience and journalists, after which,
... despite his expectations and his sweet dreams, he has to leave his hotel and live as a simple refugee in one of the worst and remote refugee camps in Germany. This time, Jom'e, the dairy worker and Mahmood, the owner of the dairy farm, experience the movie Jom'e in real life.
Jalil Nazari, the main actor of a movie named 'Jom'e', travels to Germany after the official invitation of the Hamburg Film Festival, hoping a warm and amiable visit. But he only receives three days of attention from the audience and journalists, after which, despite his expectations and his sweet dreams, he has to leave his hotel and live as a simple refugee in one of the worst and remote refugee camps in Germany. This time, Jom'e, the dairy worker and Mahmood, the owner of the dairy farm, experience the movie Jom'e in real life.