In 1973, a man named Ahmad Marzoughi, who is a teacher in Ramsar, wins a twin-engine airplane from the lottery of the Union Bank of Iran. The government forbids the airplane to be transferred to Ramsar and its maintenance costs in Tehran are very high. Ahmad
... who is forced to move to Tehran, starts playing in advertising video clips in order to be able to afford the costs. Soon, he is drowned in urban life, and it gradually leads him to lose his honor and dignity. He blames himself for everything destroys the entire studio and is buried underneath the debris.
In 1973, a man named Ahmad Marzoughi, who is a teacher in Ramsar, wins a twin-engine airplane from the lottery of the Union Bank of Iran. The government forbids the airplane to be transferred to Ramsar and its maintenance costs in Tehran are very high. Ahmad who is forced to move to Tehran, starts playing in advertising video clips in order to be able to afford the costs. Soon, he is drowned in urban life, and it gradually leads him to lose his honor and dignity. He blames himself for everything destroys the entire studio and is buried underneath the debris.