Mohammed H. Jafari's thought-provoking documentary follows the lives of Laleh and Laden, twins conjoined at the head, as they contemplate surgical separation. Heart-breaking and heart-warming by turns, the film provides an intimate insight into the personal
... interaction of the twins and their reasons for wanting the life-threatening operation. Yet as Laleh and Laden’s hopes and fears for the future are delicately revealed, Jafari also explores the wider moral dilemma of how two inseparable people are to be understood by the law. Synopsis by
Mohammed H. Jafari's thought-provoking documentary follows the lives of Laleh and Laden, twins conjoined at the head, as they contemplate surgical separation. Heart-breaking and heart-warming by turns, the film provides an intimate insight into the personal interaction of the twins and their reasons for wanting the life-threatening operation. Yet as Laleh and Laden’s hopes and fears for the future are delicately revealed, Jafari also explores the wider moral dilemma of how two inseparable people are to be understood by the law. Synopsis by