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Life Once (یک بار زندگی)

2019 | Drama
Janan (Yelena Koontz), an art student, dropped out of school and went to a remote island in Greece to start a new life, where she met Socrates (Panagiotis Phronitius), a Greek philosopher, and searched for a new meaning of being. It is in a transformation to ... find herself.
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About Life Once
Janan (Yelena Koontz), an art student, dropped out of school and went to a remote island in Greece to start a new life, where she met Socrates (Panagiotis Phronitius), a Greek philosopher, and searched for a new meaning of being. It is in a transformation to find herself.
Trying to get Pregnant

Casts of Life Once


The genre of Life Once: drama

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