Lollipop revolves around the disappearance of Maral. Initially it is assumed that she had run off to Turkey, with an unknown boyfriend, but as more time passes, her mother, sister, brother and brother-in-law, Morteza and Farhad, naturally become increasingly
... concerned. Eventually Morteza and Farhad begin to scour Tehran in search of Maral. As their search continues in failing to produce any concrete leads, her mother becomes steadily convinced the worst has happened as the discoveries they make become progressively more disturbing. Synopsis by
Lollipop revolves around the disappearance of Maral. Initially it is assumed that she had run off to Turkey, with an unknown boyfriend, but as more time passes, her mother, sister, brother and brother-in-law, Morteza and Farhad, naturally become increasingly concerned. Eventually Morteza and Farhad begin to scour Tehran in search of Maral. As their search continues in failing to produce any concrete leads, her mother becomes steadily convinced the worst has happened as the discoveries they make become progressively more disturbing. Synopsis by