A beautiful girl who later becomes known as "Moh Pishuni" has a step sister and a father who hate her. Once, during an adventure, a prince meets Mahe Pishuni, but this acquaintance did not last long and soon they parted ways. The prince goes in search of Moon
... Pishuni and despite many efforts, the prince does not find Moon Pishuni until the prince's soldiers arrive at Moon Pishuni's house. The stepmother hides the moon and tries to introduce her daughter as the moon to the prince. But he does not succeed and finally he finds Prince Mah Pishuni and marries her.
A beautiful girl who later becomes known as "Moh Pishuni" has a step sister and a father who hate her. Once, during an adventure, a prince meets Mahe Pishuni, but this acquaintance did not last long and soon they parted ways. The prince goes in search of Moon Pishuni and despite many efforts, the prince does not find Moon Pishuni until the prince's soldiers arrive at Moon Pishuni's house. The stepmother hides the moon and tries to introduce her daughter as the moon to the prince. But he does not succeed and finally he finds Prince Mah Pishuni and marries her.