In rural Iran, an elderly blind farmer, Mashti Esmaeil, toils through the seasons of sowing and harvest. Kisari's documentary follows Esmaeil as he goes about his everyday tasks, capturing the farmer's tender moments with his wife and daughter in the process.
... Despite his disability, Esmaeil manages to retain a sense of child-like wonder at the world around him, and a genuine joy in learning. He also proves in this affectionate portrait to be a serene and wise man with an incredible sense of humour. His life, the camera seems to say, is a lesson in hope and determination. A gracious tribute to a certain predisposition to happiness. Synopsis by
In rural Iran, an elderly blind farmer, Mashti Esmaeil, toils through the seasons of sowing and harvest. Kisari's documentary follows Esmaeil as he goes about his everyday tasks, capturing the farmer's tender moments with his wife and daughter in the process. Despite his disability, Esmaeil manages to retain a sense of child-like wonder at the world around him, and a genuine joy in learning. He also proves in this affectionate portrait to be a serene and wise man with an incredible sense of humour. His life, the camera seems to say, is a lesson in hope and determination. A gracious tribute to a certain predisposition to happiness. Synopsis by