"Zardoost" is a greedy millionaire who hires an athlete named "Manochehr" to smuggle out some jewels, and along with him and his fiancee "Mehri" he sets off as a hunter through the forest. After a series of incidents, he and his companions are finally
... arrested by the police. In fact, Gardener Zardoost, who found out about his plan, reported the matter to the police.
"Zardoost" is a greedy millionaire who hires an athlete named "Manochehr" to smuggle out some jewels, and along with him and his fiancee "Mehri" he sets off as a hunter through the forest. After a series of incidents, he and his companions are finally arrested by the police. In fact, Gardener Zardoost, who found out about his plan, reported the matter to the police.