Khosrow Sinai's short film revolves around the work of Farah Ossouli, an artist who invents symbolic characters and stories in order to express her views about life. Depicting her characters in expertly composed and beautifully coloured paintings, which blend
... a traditional Persian painting style with a modern touch, Farah Ossouli's art has been exhibited internationally and is deservedly award-winning. Here, it is given a new dimension through pantomime and poetic narrative. As the film follows Ossouli creating a new work, dramatic performances pieces bring her characters to life in a surreal blend of fly-on-the-wall observation and symbolic imagery. Synopsis by
Khosrow Sinai's short film revolves around the work of Farah Ossouli, an artist who invents symbolic characters and stories in order to express her views about life. Depicting her characters in expertly composed and beautifully coloured paintings, which blend a traditional Persian painting style with a modern touch, Farah Ossouli's art has been exhibited internationally and is deservedly award-winning. Here, it is given a new dimension through pantomime and poetic narrative. As the film follows Ossouli creating a new work, dramatic performances pieces bring her characters to life in a surreal blend of fly-on-the-wall observation and symbolic imagery. Synopsis by