In this darkly comic road trip, a deaf couple takes responsibility for their nephew, Arshia, following the death of his parents. Most children are ignorant to the problems of adults by sheer ignorance but Arshia literally cannot understand the frantic signing
... between his aunt and uncle. What follows is a film that stands out for its cinematic poetry by conveying the premise that even where disability is present, compassion is universal through even the simplest of gestures.
In this darkly comic road trip, a deaf couple takes responsibility for their nephew, Arshia, following the death of his parents. Most children are ignorant to the problems of adults by sheer ignorance but Arshia literally cannot understand the frantic signing between his aunt and uncle. What follows is a film that stands out for its cinematic poetry by conveying the premise that even where disability is present, compassion is universal through even the simplest of gestures.