Farshid Azari's documentary tells the story behind a group of stunning murals located in a snow-covered hilltop village in Iran's Gilan province. Made at times of immense upheaval in Iran, and deeply connected to the traumatic history of the Gilan
... province’s people, the murals portray scenes of past battles and invasions. Yet they also provide a spiritual outlet for the people of the area; bringing this to light, 'Oblation Painting' explores the whole depth of history and culture attached to these unique artefacts of Iranian heritage. Synopsis by IMVBox.com
Farshid Azari's documentary tells the story behind a group of stunning murals located in a snow-covered hilltop village in Iran's Gilan province. Made at times of immense upheaval in Iran, and deeply connected to the traumatic history of the Gilan province’s people, the murals portray scenes of past battles and invasions. Yet they also provide a spiritual outlet for the people of the area; bringing this to light, 'Oblation Painting' explores the whole depth of history and culture attached to these unique artefacts of Iranian heritage. Synopsis by IMVBox.com