This understated, lackadaisical drama sees a grandmother ferried across the alleyways of a city by her young grandson to visit her daughter's grave. The opening shots show pieces of wool being tossed onto a trolley and the stirrings of a busy marketplace.
... Then the boy arrives to collect his silent grandmother, on a makeshift cart. Sauntering overhead shots and soft sitar music contribute to the meandering sense of 'Party', as the boy struggles over bumpy back alleys to finally reach his mother's grave. Synopsis by
This understated, lackadaisical drama sees a grandmother ferried across the alleyways of a city by her young grandson to visit her daughter's grave. The opening shots show pieces of wool being tossed onto a trolley and the stirrings of a busy marketplace. Then the boy arrives to collect his silent grandmother, on a makeshift cart. Sauntering overhead shots and soft sitar music contribute to the meandering sense of 'Party', as the boy struggles over bumpy back alleys to finally reach his mother's grave. Synopsis by