
2006 |98 min | Drama
This telefilm follows the life story of a young couple and a student, who are the elite of robotics science, who plan to build a life-saving robot to be able to find the injured among the rubble. In this way, they face various problems, but their common ... friend, who was a student girl and their classmate, who was killed in the Bam earthquake, is a strong motivation to face the problems and achieve this technology. Finally...
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About Robat
This telefilm follows the life story of a young couple and a student, who are the elite of robotics science, who plan to build a life-saving robot to be able to find the injured among the rubble. In this way, they face various problems, but their common friend, who was a student girl and their classmate, who was killed in the Bam earthquake, is a strong motivation to face the problems and achieve this technology. Finally...
Trying to get Pregnant
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