Thought-provoking story based on Henrik Ibsen's celebrated play, 'A Doll's House.' Sara is the perfect young housewife, and when her husband Hessam needs an expensive emergency operation while he is abroad, she doesn't hesitate to get the money - by any
... means. For the next three years, she labours to pay the loan that saved Hessam's life, and to save his pride by keeping it secret. But then a hidden truth is revealed, and the reality of Sara's marriage is torn apart. Amidst a web of pride and disillusion, she must find the truth of herself in order to rebuild her life. Synopsis by
Thought-provoking story based on Henrik Ibsen's celebrated play, 'A Doll's House.' Sara is the perfect young housewife, and when her husband Hessam needs an expensive emergency operation while he is abroad, she doesn't hesitate to get the money - by any means. For the next three years, she labours to pay the loan that saved Hessam's life, and to save his pride by keeping it secret. But then a hidden truth is revealed, and the reality of Sara's marriage is torn apart. Amidst a web of pride and disillusion, she must find the truth of herself in order to rebuild her life. Synopsis by