This philosophical film offers a thought-provoking meditation on nature, education and life. Set in a hill village in northern Iran, 'Some Place Behind the Clouds' shows the education of a group of young boys under a wise elderly man, who teaches them about
... the Qu'ran. There is a heavenly quality to this film, in the context of the misty mountains and beautiful scenery, and a serene peace follows the everyday lives of the villagers. Synopsis by
This philosophical film offers a thought-provoking meditation on nature, education and life. Set in a hill village in northern Iran, 'Some Place Behind the Clouds' shows the education of a group of young boys under a wise elderly man, who teaches them about the Qu'ran. There is a heavenly quality to this film, in the context of the misty mountains and beautiful scenery, and a serene peace follows the everyday lives of the villagers. Synopsis by