A young man and his friend, whose job is pickpocketing, fall into the trap of an experienced thief. The thief plans to get the young man into a wealthy family with a well-groomed appearance, but the young man goes to the girl's father and tells the truth. The
... angry father warns his daughter, whom the young man also loves, from him. The young man turns to honorable work. The girl's father also learns the truth during a new incident caused by a known thief.
A young man and his friend, whose job is pickpocketing, fall into the trap of an experienced thief. The thief plans to get the young man into a wealthy family with a well-groomed appearance, but the young man goes to the girl's father and tells the truth. The angry father warns his daughter, whom the young man also loves, from him. The young man turns to honorable work. The girl's father also learns the truth during a new incident caused by a known thief.