The story begins at a red light in 7 A.M. The young officer, who is in charge of switching the light, gives more than usual to the passengers to see his beloved girl. The girl is a cinema actress. Here, at this red light, all the seven characters of the story
... are present; they do not know each other. We will accompany them one by one in 24 hours. Then, while 24 hours is passed since the young officer has expressed his affection for his beloved girl, we meet them again at the same red light at 7 A.M. Two earnest, strict old men, who are on the verge of retirement, are taking urine samples from the applicants in a laboratory for drug addiction diagnosis. They were always afraid of the inspectors and they have no idea that today there is an inspector in the laboratory, witnessing their violations. A motorcycle driver, who transports passengers, is used to incompletely convey what he has got from the previous passenger to the next. However, today his last passenger is an old man, whose death causes him some problems. A guy from Afghanistan meets a girl, who is getting away from a man.
The story begins at a red light in 7 A.M. The young officer, who is in charge of switching the light, gives more than usual to the passengers to see his beloved girl. The girl is a cinema actress. Here, at this red light, all the seven characters of the story are present; they do not know each other. We will accompany them one by one in 24 hours. Then, while 24 hours is passed since the young officer has expressed his affection for his beloved girl, we meet them again at the same red light at 7 A.M. Two earnest, strict old men, who are on the verge of retirement, are taking urine samples from the applicants in a laboratory for drug addiction diagnosis. They were always afraid of the inspectors and they have no idea that today there is an inspector in the laboratory, witnessing their violations. A motorcycle driver, who transports passengers, is used to incompletely convey what he has got from the previous passenger to the next. However, today his last passenger is an old man, whose death causes him some problems. A guy from Afghanistan meets a girl, who is getting away from a man.