Ebrahim Askari, known as "Abi", is an unemployed young man who saves a girl named "Maryam" who is about to commit suicide. Maryam is an orphan and her uncle and cousin plan to take over her wealth. When "Abi" escapes from the police, "Maryam" goes to Abadan
... to go to her aunt. "Abby" joins "Maryam". The two of them return to Tehran after learning about Maryam's aunt's death. Fereshte, Abi's fiancé, and her friend Essie are upset about the situation, and Abi decides to leave them and Maryam and turn herself in to the police.
Ebrahim Askari, known as "Abi", is an unemployed young man who saves a girl named "Maryam" who is about to commit suicide. Maryam is an orphan and her uncle and cousin plan to take over her wealth. When "Abi" escapes from the police, "Maryam" goes to Abadan to go to her aunt. "Abby" joins "Maryam". The two of them return to Tehran after learning about Maryam's aunt's death. Fereshte, Abi's fiancé, and her friend Essie are upset about the situation, and Abi decides to leave them and Maryam and turn herself in to the police.