This intricately woven narrative of four intersecting stories focuses on the lives of several women, each striving for happiness. Fouzhan is due to marry her cousin, but when the handsome young Babak enters her life, she finds herself facing a dilemma. The
... sickly Marjan, meanwhile, is struggling to cope with her ailing mother as well as the breakdown of her marriage. We also follow rheumatic watercolor painter Siavash and his wife Bahar’s relationship, who soon find their joyful existence is under threat. A melancholic royal daughter, meanwhile, seeks solace in revisiting the past with her painting tutor. An eerily beautiful, fragmented piece of work, this film is as intriguing as it is atmospheric. Synopsis by
This intricately woven narrative of four intersecting stories focuses on the lives of several women, each striving for happiness. Fouzhan is due to marry her cousin, but when the handsome young Babak enters her life, she finds herself facing a dilemma. The sickly Marjan, meanwhile, is struggling to cope with her ailing mother as well as the breakdown of her marriage. We also follow rheumatic watercolor painter Siavash and his wife Bahar’s relationship, who soon find their joyful existence is under threat. A melancholic royal daughter, meanwhile, seeks solace in revisiting the past with her painting tutor. An eerily beautiful, fragmented piece of work, this film is as intriguing as it is atmospheric. Synopsis by