Majid Majidi's internationally acclaimed drama follows the life of a 14-year-old boy, Mehrollah, who is forced to find a job to support his family when his father dies. After traveling to the southern parts of Iran to look for work, he returns to find his
... mother has taken a new husband. The revelation angers Mehrollah deeply, and starts him on a troubled path of crime and hardship. Will he find redemption and come to accept his new family? Synopsis by
Majid Majidi's internationally acclaimed drama follows the life of a 14-year-old boy, Mehrollah, who is forced to find a job to support his family when his father dies. After traveling to the southern parts of Iran to look for work, he returns to find his mother has taken a new husband. The revelation angers Mehrollah deeply, and starts him on a troubled path of crime and hardship. Will he find redemption and come to accept his new family? Synopsis by