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The Love Journey (سفر عشق)

1988 |101 min | Drama
Maryam Mostofi and his husband, who is a professor of law, live a peaceful life together. The woman, who does not have any child, suffers from a chronic headache, and finds out that she is about to meet a fatal fate. Maryam who becomes so disappointed and ... tired of her unbearable condition, seeks for some new ways to improve her life.
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About The Love Journey
Maryam Mostofi and his husband, who is a professor of law, live a peaceful life together. The woman, who does not have any child, suffers from a chronic headache, and finds out that she is about to meet a fatal fate. Maryam who becomes so disappointed and tired of her unbearable condition, seeks for some new ways to improve her life.
Trying to get Pregnant
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