The Luminescent Jewel (گوهر شب چراغ)

1967 |120 min | Drama , History , Portrait
Nader Shah besieges Isfahan and arrests the city’s appointed ruler. Later on, Nader discovers that the ruler was an old friend of his who had set his house on fire and killed his wife treacherously years ago; but his son is a free man who has fought many ... battles for his country. Thus, when it is announced that the ruler is caught, the city is conquered peacefully and the ruler gets what he deserves.
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About The Luminescent Jewel
Nader Shah besieges Isfahan and arrests the city’s appointed ruler. Later on, Nader discovers that the ruler was an old friend of his who had set his house on fire and killed his wife treacherously years ago; but his son is a free man who has fought many battles for his country. Thus, when it is announced that the ruler is caught, the city is conquered peacefully and the ruler gets what he deserves.
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