The movie "The Moon in the Shadow" tells a historical story in the heart of the present. Kouresh Khalidi, a master's student in physics, plans to permanently emigrate abroad at the insistence of his fiancee "Kiana". He accidentally finds out that something
... similar to the telescope was invented and used by Muslims centuries before Galileo. In these days, the university where Khalidi is studying has organized a scientific seminar under the pretext of World Astronomy Day and honoring Galileo.
The movie "The Moon in the Shadow" tells a historical story in the heart of the present. Kouresh Khalidi, a master's student in physics, plans to permanently emigrate abroad at the insistence of his fiancee "Kiana". He accidentally finds out that something similar to the telescope was invented and used by Muslims centuries before Galileo. In these days, the university where Khalidi is studying has organized a scientific seminar under the pretext of World Astronomy Day and honoring Galileo.