Mahmoud is haunted by his ruthless past as a vice undercover agent, operating in the murky depths of the drug underworld. Now a father and a husband, he is a different man. Mahmoud will have to face the demonic kingpin he once let go, fighting off the
... nightmarish shadows of his former life before they engulf all that he holds dear. The Organisation is a tense thriller that will enthrall and excite those who watch it. Synopsis by
Mahmoud is haunted by his ruthless past as a vice undercover agent, operating in the murky depths of the drug underworld. Now a father and a husband, he is a different man. Mahmoud will have to face the demonic kingpin he once let go, fighting off the nightmarish shadows of his former life before they engulf all that he holds dear. The Organisation is a tense thriller that will enthrall and excite those who watch it. Synopsis by