Avaze Tehran is a unique blend of gangster film and drama. It centers on the adventures of Rahman, a young mineworker who moved to Tehran for a better future, and his friend Ali, who is involved in black market dealing. When the two of them start working for
... a mobster who illegally distributes films, they get in a lot of trouble very quickly. Yet this is no ordinary mobster. He bears an astonishing resemblance to a fictional character that he’s also obsessed by – Don Corleone. And these are no ordinary troubles. They add up to an unforgettable cinematic experience. Synopsis by IMVBox.com
Avaze Tehran is a unique blend of gangster film and drama. It centers on the adventures of Rahman, a young mineworker who moved to Tehran for a better future, and his friend Ali, who is involved in black market dealing. When the two of them start working for a mobster who illegally distributes films, they get in a lot of trouble very quickly. Yet this is no ordinary mobster. He bears an astonishing resemblance to a fictional character that he’s also obsessed by – Don Corleone. And these are no ordinary troubles. They add up to an unforgettable cinematic experience. Synopsis by IMVBox.com