Zero-Degree Orbit' observes a war-stricken humanity preceding the Iran-Iraq war. The film explores the wounded psyche of the inhabitants of the Iranian borders while focusing on a man who constantly travels around accompanied by his mentally ill son. Their
... lives, which are eternally haunted by the ambiguous killings of two family members, let the film explore all impacts of war: humans are severely traumatised and the setting which is equally mournful echoes with clarity the tragedies of the past. Synopsis by
Zero-Degree Orbit' observes a war-stricken humanity preceding the Iran-Iraq war. The film explores the wounded psyche of the inhabitants of the Iranian borders while focusing on a man who constantly travels around accompanied by his mentally ill son. Their lives, which are eternally haunted by the ambiguous killings of two family members, let the film explore all impacts of war: humans are severely traumatised and the setting which is equally mournful echoes with clarity the tragedies of the past. Synopsis by