"The Third Eye" is a movie in the genre of action and detective-mystery, written by "Pimten Shirkhani" and directed by "Reza Dadavii" and produced in 2019. The story of the third eye movie revolves around a police officer named "Hamid" who, along with his
... assistant, gets involved in the case of an arms smuggling mafia network. He is trying to prevent the actions of a professional terrorist named Farzad Shamimi.
"The Third Eye" is a movie in the genre of action and detective-mystery, written by "Pimten Shirkhani" and directed by "Reza Dadavii" and produced in 2019. The story of the third eye movie revolves around a police officer named "Hamid" who, along with his assistant, gets involved in the case of an arms smuggling mafia network. He is trying to prevent the actions of a professional terrorist named Farzad Shamimi.