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Twins (دو قلوها)

1959 |90 min | Drama | 6.2
Year 1313. A man whose occupation is Haircut is suffering from his expensiveness and unfortunate situation. He has eleven children and his wife is pregnant with twins. A man who believes that the number thirteen is ominous leaves one of the twins in the car ... of a young couple, unaware that the thirteenth child is left with him. A young man and woman adopt the child and take it to Abadan...
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About Twins
Year 1313. A man whose occupation is Haircut is suffering from his expensiveness and unfortunate situation. He has eleven children and his wife is pregnant with twins. A man who believes that the number thirteen is ominous leaves one of the twins in the car of a young couple, unaware that the thirteenth child is left with him. A young man and woman adopt the child and take it to Abadan...
Trying to get Pregnant
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