In this wildly inventive adaptation of the classic tale of Pinocchio, an impressive ensemble cast of well-known cinema stars drive the plot forward. Among others, Hanieh Tavassoli, Babak Hamidian, and Leili Rashidi tell the story of the wooden boy who wants
... nothing more than to be human. As Pinocchio's guardian Geppetto and a well-meaning fairy try to keep Pinocchio grounded in reality, his new dastardly companions, a cat and a fox, do their best to lead him astray. Hugely entertaining and imaginatively choreographed, this is a truly spectacular piece of theater. Synopsis by
In this wildly inventive adaptation of the classic tale of Pinocchio, an impressive ensemble cast of well-known cinema stars drive the plot forward. Among others, Hanieh Tavassoli, Babak Hamidian, and Leili Rashidi tell the story of the wooden boy who wants nothing more than to be human. As Pinocchio's guardian Geppetto and a well-meaning fairy try to keep Pinocchio grounded in reality, his new dastardly companions, a cat and a fox, do their best to lead him astray. Hugely entertaining and imaginatively choreographed, this is a truly spectacular piece of theater. Synopsis by