This well-shot film takes place during the Afghanistan war and depicts an encounter between a young Afghan boy and a threatening American soldier. The boy is hiding in a small stone dwelling place after ISAF forces bombed his village when the American come
... barging in and they come face to face. Later the American hears the faint chant of US soldiers singing glorifying war chants and wanders out, but does not find his comrades, rather something far more traumatising. This engaging war film effectively humanises both sides in the conflict and reminds the audience of the senselessness of war, whose victims are all too often innocent civilians.
This well-shot film takes place during the Afghanistan war and depicts an encounter between a young Afghan boy and a threatening American soldier. The boy is hiding in a small stone dwelling place after ISAF forces bombed his village when the American come barging in and they come face to face. Later the American hears the faint chant of US soldiers singing glorifying war chants and wanders out, but does not find his comrades, rather something far more traumatising. This engaging war film effectively humanises both sides in the conflict and reminds the audience of the senselessness of war, whose victims are all too often innocent civilians.