The story revolves around the romance of Atta and his boss's daughter who unites them in robbing the business. The complications that follow will turn the story into a dramatic turmoil that make the plot a gripping one...
The story revolves around the romance of Atta and his boss's daughter who unites them in robbing the business. The complications that follow will turn the story into a dramatic turmoil that make the plot a gripping one...
عطا عاشق منیژه که دختر صاحبکارش است شده و به خاطر او تن به دزدی از مغازه پدر او میدهد. به زندان افتادن عطا و تصمیم انتقامگیری از منیژه شروع ماجراهای سریال را رقم میزند