The story shows a person named Kamal Shahri, who is supposed to become a minister, but due to the mistakes of his son and Mr. Nikbakht (Mr. Shahri's deputy), he is removed from his position and...
The story shows a person named Kamal Shahri, who is supposed to become a minister, but due to the mistakes of his son and Mr. Nikbakht (Mr. Shahri's deputy), he is removed from his position and...
قصه یک شخص به نام کمال شهری را نشان میدهد که قرار است وزیر شود اما با خطاهای پسرش و آقای نیکبخت (معاون آقای شهری) از صمت خود برکنار میشود و چشمش به دنبال خانمی به نام آفاق دستان که پرستار مادرش است میافتد و از آنجایی که پسرش به شدت غیرتی است مشکلاتی برای آنها پیش میافتد…