Kamand Amirsoleimani decides to invite her brother Sepand and his new bride, Mona Karami, to dinner and has also invited their friends. But there are some other challenges such as an uninvited guest, two meticulous judges who will score her hosting. Not
... everything goes as she wishes
Kamand Amirsoleimani decides to invite her brother Sepand and his new bride, Mona Karami, to dinner and has also invited their friends. But there are some other challenges such as an uninvited guest, two meticulous judges who will score her hosting. Not everything goes as she wishes
کمند امیر سلیمانی تصمیم می گیرد که برای برادرش سپند و همسر نوعروس او مونا کرمی مراسم شام یا پاگشا برپا کند . او دوستان دیگر این زوج را هم به این میهمانی دعوت کرده است . اما مشکلات دیگری بر سر راه اوست: میهمان ناخوانده و دو داور سخت گیر که قرار است به پذیرایی او امتیاز بدهند...همه چیز آن گونه که او دوست دارد پیش نمی رود..