A young doctor named Youssef, who lost all his family members as a child, and since childhood, an anonymous person provided him financially. In the hospital, on the night of the 19th of Ramadan, he meets a strange patient...
A young doctor named Youssef, who lost all his family members as a child, and since childhood, an anonymous person provided him financially. In the hospital, on the night of the 19th of Ramadan, he meets a strange patient...
یک پزشک جوان به نام یوسف که در کودکی تمام اعضای خانواده خود را از دست داده است و از کودکی فردی بی نام و نشان او را از نظر مالی تأمین کردهاست. در بیمارستان و در شب ۱۹ ماه رمضان با یک بیمار عجیب روبرو میشود...