The story of Made in Iran 2 takes place in the continuation of the first season, where the inventor doctor has an accident and his bag, which carries new inventions in human science, falls into the hands of Gholam and he goes abroad the price of this bag, but
... no one knows that he is a real doctor. is not…
The story of Made in Iran 2 takes place in the continuation of the first season, where the inventor doctor has an accident and his bag, which carries new inventions in human science, falls into the hands of Gholam and he goes abroad the price of this bag, but no one knows that he is a real doctor. is not…
داستان ساخت ایران 2 در ادامه فصل اول اتفاق می افتد. جایی که دکتر مخترع تصادف میکند و ساک او که حامل اختراعات نویی در علم بشریت است دست غلام فرد لاتی می افتد و او به بهای همین ساک به خارج می رود اما هیچکس نمیداند او دکتر واقعی نیست…