The Lost Girl is an exciting and police series that tells the story of the disappearance of a teenage girl. There is no clue about the fate of the girl and what happened to her, and in this regard, the police enters the story to find a trace of her with the
... cooperation of a social worker...
The Lost Girl is an exciting and police series that tells the story of the disappearance of a teenage girl. There is no clue about the fate of the girl and what happened to her, and in this regard, the police enters the story to find a trace of her with the cooperation of a social worker...
دختر گمشده مجموعهای مهیج و پلیسی است که داستان گم شدن یک دختر نوجوان را روایت میکند. هیچ سرنخی از سرنوشت دختر و اینکه چه بلایی بر سر او آمده نیست و در این راستا، پلیس وارد قصه میشود تا با همکاری یک مددکار اجتماعی، ردی از او بیابد…