The emergence of the director and the appearance of mise-en-scène art: In this lesson, we will learn the reasons for the emergence of the director and its effect on the theater and the emergence of the art of mise-en-scène, which Raffi considers the main
... art of the director.
The emergence of the director and the appearance of mise-en-scène art: In this lesson, we will learn the reasons for the emergence of the director and its effect on the theater and the emergence of the art of mise-en-scène, which Raffi considers the main art of the director.
ظهور کارگردان و پیدایش هنر میزانسن : دلایل ظهور کارگردان و تأثیر آن در تئاتر و پیدایش هنر میزانسن _که رفیعی آن را هنر اصلی کارگردان میداند_ در این درس میآموزیم.
Casts of Safheye No - Ali Raffi - Season 6 : Episode 3