He is 50 years old and none of those around him remember his birthday. Bardia, who is angry about this incident and facing his deep loneliness on the eve of half a century of life, wonders everyone...
He is 50 years old and none of those around him remember his birthday. Bardia, who is angry about this incident and facing his deep loneliness on the eve of half a century of life, wonders everyone...
تولد پنجاه سالگی بردیاست و هیچ کدام از اطرافیان او تولدش را به یاد ندارند. بردیا که از این ماجرا و مواجه شدن با تنهایی عمیق خودش در آستانه نیم قرن زندگی عصبانیست با یک تصمیم عجیب و غریب همه را انگشت به دهان می کند...