The story of a lonely woman named Sheida who inadvertently enters into a horrible game formed by her husband and a foreign terrorist. To save his daughter's life, he is exposed to a choice between love, revenge, and power, and for a while, he accompanies
... three prominent and powerful smugglers named Pop, Mobini, and Makin, unaware that the end of this game will be bloody.
The story of a lonely woman named Sheida who inadvertently enters into a horrible game formed by her husband and a foreign terrorist. To save his daughter's life, he is exposed to a choice between love, revenge, and power, and for a while, he accompanies three prominent and powerful smugglers named Pop, Mobini, and Makin, unaware that the end of this game will be bloody.
داستان زنی تنهاست به نام شیدا که ناخواسته وارد بازی دهشتناکی می شود که توسط همسر او و یک تروریست خارجی شکل گرفته است. او برای نجات جان دخترش در معرض انتخاب میان عشق، انتقام و قدرت قرار می گیرد و با سه قاچاقچی مطرح و قدرتمند به نام های پاپ، مبینی و مکین مدتی همراه می شود، غافل از آنکه پایان این بازی، خون بار خواهد بود