This series is the story of four young criminals who steal a safe containing two thousand Freedom Spring coins. These coins have been provided by a charity organization to donate to needy couples, whose theft causes problems for the organization.
This series is the story of four young criminals who steal a safe containing two thousand Freedom Spring coins. These coins have been provided by a charity organization to donate to needy couples, whose theft causes problems for the organization.
این سریال داستان چهار جوان خلافکار است که یک گاو صندوق را که دو هزار سکه بهار آزادی در آن وجود دارد، میدزدند. این سکهها به همت یک موسسه خیریه و برای اهدا به زوجهای نیازمند فراهم شده است که با دزدیده شدنشان موسسه دچار مشکلاتی میشود