Black Hole, the story depicts the life of a man named Jamshid. At 60 years old, he is struggling with unemployment and rent while he is forced to go to his father's house. Outside of the city, he is informed of a story...
Black Hole, the story depicts the life of a man named Jamshid. At 60 years old, he is struggling with unemployment and rent while he is forced to go to his father's house. Outside of the city, he is informed of a story...
سریال سیاه چاله، قصه زندگی مردی به نام جمشید را به تصویر میکشد که در شصت سالگی درگیر بیکاری و اجارهنشینی است. او در شرایطی که به اجبار، راهی خانه پدری در خارج از شهر شده، از ماجرایی مطلع میشود که...