In this series, in the form of a humorous narrative, the lives of different strata of the city are depicted together. The whole story takes place from the beginning in an apartment where several neighbors live.
In this series, in the form of a humorous narrative, the lives of different strata of the city are depicted together. The whole story takes place from the beginning in an apartment where several neighbors live.
بهروز و همسایگان در یک خانه جدید زندگی می کردند که به علت تازه ساخت و دگرگونیهایی تخلیه شد. غلام شش لول بند و مهتاج نیز به خانه جدیدی رفتند و دوست داشتند همسایگان را نیز به آن طرف ببرند.
Casts of Zire Aseman Shahr - Season 3 : Episode 44